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国汇策略 Culture Beyond Borders | Promoting Chinese traditional culture overseas with new technologies

发布日期:2024-08-03 13:11    点击次数:142

(原标题:Culture Beyond Borders | Promoting Chinese traditional culture overseas with new technologies)国汇策略 南方财经全媒体记者杨雨莱 深圳报道 Guangdong is an important hub for international cultural trade in China. According to statistics, Guangdong's exports of cultur

  • (原标题:Culture Beyond Borders | Promoting Chinese traditional culture overseas with new technologies)国汇策略

    南方财经全媒体记者杨雨莱 深圳报道 

    Guangdong is an important hub for international cultural trade in China. According to statistics, Guangdong's exports of cultural products and services account for about two-fifths of the country's total, covering more than 160 countries and regions and forming a cultural export pattern with strengths in digital publishing, creative design, cultural products, and equipment manufacturing. During the forum on Building Up China's Cultural Strength 2024, especially in the Sub-forum on High-Quality Development of Cultural Trade, some experts shared valuable thoughts on promoting Chinese traditional culture overseas.

    Shenchen, Art Director of China Oriental Performing Arts Group         

    First of all, Zhici Qinglv, as you already know, which has been promoting Chinese cultural trade overseas. Next we will have Weiwo Qingbai and Yongle Weiyang upcoming products. We'll keep promoting the performance with Chinese traditional culture overseas, to promote our cultural trade. From the beginning of the idea to the final premiere of the play and even the final release, the whole process should be infused with the pattern of products. I believe that there is no gap between cultural artistic works and cultural artistic products.

    Zhu Liyue, President of Zi De Guqin Studio

    Music itself is an art carrier that can cross cultures and languages, so we can also see that many people from non-Chinese countries also love our music and video works. For me, I think that the real beauty is something that reflects human nature, and it is definitely able to break through the barriers of culture and language. Integrity innovation is when you are inheriting the traditional culture, you combine some contemporary international advanced ideas or technologies which will create excellent works that reflect the spirit of this era. I think this will be a direction for future progress. 

    Chenglin, Vice President of 37 Interative Entertainment  

    The overseas has been regarded as an important market for 37 Interactive Entertainment, which we continue to improve and develop. This year, in our most successful overseas product Puzzles Survival, we added the element of Chinese Shaolin culture, which includes a very cute and pleasing image of a small warrior monk. Moreover, it also restore the martial arts style of the Qixingquan in Shaolin culture in such a specially customized product for the European and American markets. The reaction of overseas audience is quite impressive, as this product has achieved the revenue of 10 billion yuan in the overseas market.

    From the forum and interviews with the experts and entrepreneurs, we are seeing that they are integrating the traditional cultures with more new technologies and innovation ideas. The traditional culture is stepping towards the the high quality development and international communication.






    拍摄:肖航 章启良

    新媒体统筹:丁青云 曾婷芳 赖禧 曾昭发

    海外运营监制: 黄燕淑

    海外运营内容统筹: 黄子豪

    海外运营编辑:庄欢 吴婉婕 龙李华 张伟韬

    出品:南方财经全媒体集团  国汇策略


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